Contact with the Foundation:
Fundacja Wspierania Alpinizmu Polskiego im. Jerzego Kukuczki
(Jerzy Kukuczka Polish Mountaineering Support Foundation)
ul. Bartycka 26 paw.9 , 00-716 Warszawa
NIP 527-23-07-689
tel. +48 606 479 579 President of the Foundation Jerzy Natkański
konto: 04 1160 2202 0000 0000 5515 5611
The Foundation is a Public Benefit Organization registered in National Court Registry with the number 0000084062.
Data for the payment of donations to the Foundation’s statutory objectives of foreign:
Bank Millennium SA
ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A
02-593 Warszawa
IBAN: PL 04 1160 2202 0000 0000 5515 5611