KRS 0000084062

Maciej Stańczak comes back from Makalu – hearten him up!


Friends of Maciej created a website, where you can leave your message, greetings or wishes for Maciej:

We are hoping that your warm words will warm up his frostbites.

Maciej Stańczak participated in the Polish unification expedition to Makalu (8,463 m). On September 30 the fifth highest mountain of the world was summited by Artur Hajzer, Adam Bielecki and Tomasz Wolfart. Maciej did not attack the summit; probably he stayed in the last camp.

Descent of the climbers to the base camp and initiated by Sherpas and other Himalayan mountaineers in the base camp rescue operation lasted several days. Polish climbers after reaching the base camp were transported via a helicopter to Kathmandu. Their lives were not at risk. Their hands were frostbitten.

The expedition takes place thanks to support of Ministry of Sport and Tourism, Jerzy Kukuczka Polish Mountaineering Support Foundation and HiMountain.


Maciej Stańczak
Maciej Stańczak

Patrycja Konopka

Bezpieczny Kazbek Fundacja Himalaizmu Polskiego im. Andrzeja Zawady
Polski Związek Alpinizmu Klub Wysokogórki Warszawa brytan