Annual report on operations in 2009
in 2009
in 2009
In 2009 the Foundation Board contunied the realization of goals and programmes that began already in the last years. Similarly to other years, also this year new initiatives appeared. Main directions and purposes of Foundation’s works were announced via notices on Foundation’s website, published in mountain press and traditionally in a form of leaflets – these activities were predominantly financed by Mount, the owner of HiMountain brand, which was until recently a strategic Partner of the Foundation. Currently, after our colleague Artur Hajzer joined the Foundation’s Board, the cooperation has changed its character, however it is still continued. The change has mostly concerned the fact that the promotional and advertising materials are now financed from Foundation’s own resources to a large degree.
Incomes of the Foundation in 2009 constituted mostly the payments within the framework of deducting 1% of the tax for the benefit of Public Benefit Institutions and other donations. In 2009, approx. 15 thousands of Benefectors paid into the Foundation’s account 559,973 PLN, which together with the financial result from 2008 that was 289,366 PLN amounted to 849,339 PLN. The Benefectors decided to use 186,845 PLN from the entire sum and support the Social Campaign “Śmigła dla Tatr” (“A Propeller for the Tatra Mountains”). Comparable with this sum is the amount that the Benefectors assigned for allocating by the Foundation’s Board, what we perceive as an exceptional expression of trust in us.
Profitable to the Public Benefit Institution changes introduced in the tax regulation during the recent years resulted in further and considerable growth in income. The Board realized the programme according to the list published in the report on operations in the previous year and in this way it is presented below. At present (partly according to the suggestions of the Foundation’s Council depicted in the Board’s exoneration for 2007) the list has undergone considerable modifications, which are described in the final part of this report discussing plans for 2010.
A. Zawada Fund. In 2009 the Board assigned for this purpose 46,000 PLN, which were allocated in the following way: 1. Kinga Baranowska – 12,000 PLN, goal of the expedition: Kangchenjunga, Himalayas of Nepal, normal route, first Polish female ascent (the expedition ended successfully); Robert Szymczak – 12,000 PLN, goal: Broad Peak, Karakorum, first winter ascent (weather conditions prevented him from attaining the expedition’s goal; 3. Piotr Morawski – 12,000 PLN, goal: Dhaulagiri and Mansalu, Himalayas of Nepal, Mansalu via a route on the west face (unfortunatelly Piotr died as a result of an accident in an ice crack on the slope of Dhaulagiri); 4. Wojciech Kozub and Krzysztof Starek – 10,000 PLN, goal: Malanphulan (6,573 m), Himalayas of Nepal, a new route on the north wall (they managed to reach the vicinity of the ridge – a new, valuable route was marked up, the conditions did not allow for conclusion of the enterprise, i.e. ascending to the peak).
Base in the Tatra Mountains. Within the framework of this programme in the recent years an intensified cooperation with Polish Mountaineering Association took place. A special agreement was made. The Board decided to allocate considerably bigger sums of money for the renovation of buildings constituting the base for mountaineers of the Tatra Mountains, and especially for renovation and reconstruction of Betlejemka. 45 000 PLN was allocated for this purpose up to now. The Managament Board of Tatra National Park decided to liquidate the camp "Rąbaniska" below Hala Gąsienicowa and due to this operation further investments are necessary to ensure that Betlejemka can provide a sufficient number of places for mountaineers climbing in this region of the Tatra Mountains. Anxiety arises also from other Tatra National Park’s plans concernig the remaining camps, especially "Szałasiska".
Social Campaign "Śmigło dla Tatr" ("A Propeller for the Tatra Mountains"). The oldest and still very popular programme of the Foundation. As it was mentioned before, for this specific purpose payments amounting to 186,845 PLN were made. This amount was officially handed over, as every year, during the celebrations of Tatra Mountains Volunteer Rescue Service (TOPR) Rescuer’s Day and accoriding to the received settlements it was predominantly used for buying medical resources and radio-telephones for the helicopter, financing two services (of aggregates and engines of the helicopter) and financing or co-financing two repairs (control desk and hub).
Berbeka Fund of the Polish Mountaineering Association. Within the framework of this programme, there were organized two large fundraisings last year: one for helping the family of Piotr Morawski after his fatal accident in the Himalayas (by the end of 2009, an enormous sum amounting to 83,323 PLN was collected); and on Tatra Mountains Volunteer Rescue Service’s request special money collection in order to help Jan Tybor, who is undergoing rehabilitation after a serious operation (28,570 PLN was collected and payed into the Tatra Mountains Volunteer Rescue Service’s account); this collection took shape of a major campaign realized also beyond the Foundation and coordinated by Tatra Mountains Volunteer Rescue Service – under the agreed name Timur Fund. The amount of the collected money is a very positivie evidence of sensitivity of our community and we would like to thank our Grantors warmly for these payments.
Jerzy Kukuczka Memorial Room. This programme, although it remains a separate field of our activities, in order to emphasize our special care of memoriabilia of Foundation’s Patron, has actually become a part of a bigger project realized up to now under the name Memory of Tatras Mountaineers; we are going to continue with the programme under the name In memoriam. In 2009, 7,890 PLN was spent on this purpose which encompassed renovation of exhibits, developing and framing photographs, Memorial Room’s plaque, woodwork.
Inicjatywa Środowisk Wspinaczkowych (Climbing Communities’ Initiative) "Nasz Skały" ("Our Rocks"). A huge programme realized in cooperation with Polish Mountaineering Association and mountains-centred media, aiming at ensuring the unrestricted access for climbers to climbing areas, which more and more often become private properties; critical is also close cooperation with national and landscape parks that include interesting areas for us. Foundation’s Board was represented in “Nasze Skały” Council till December 2009 by Jacek Rządkowski, now this position was taken over by Jerzy Natkański. Till last year’s autumn the COO of "Nasze Skały" (W. Porębski) worked under the agreement for performance of a specific task, at the moment he is employed by Polish Mountaineering Association. Foundation’s Board assumed that it is not possible to finance Nasze Skały entirely by the Foundation (as it was till autumn 2009). However, it is possible to continue with making allocations and donations payed into Foundation’s account for this purpose; possible are also extemporaneous single small donations, however, the majority of financial resources should be obtained by the organizers – Climbing Communities’ Initiative – from other sources (a good idea were e.g. occasional money collections organized in clubs associated in Polish Mountaineering Association and transferred directly to Polish Mountaineering Association’s account without involvment of the Foundation into these procedures). In 2009, Foundation’s Board assigned 85,687 PLN for "Nasze Skały". The Council of Nasze Skały plans to finance this programme from the resources acquired from EU donations in the future.
"Tatry bez Młotka" (Tatra Mountains Withour A Hammer). Functioning for a couple of years by right of so-called "Tatra Agreement" programme, realized in cooperation with Tatra Mountains Volunteer Rescue Service and Tatra National Park, aiming at exchnage of used anchors on climbing routes in the Tatras; realized are also ambitous projects of new routes. In the last summer season works on the south side of Zamarła Turnia were contunied. Thanks to the social work of many people (also licensed instructors of Polish Mountaineering Association and members of Tatra Mountains Volunteer Rescue Service), support of volunteers (transport of the equipment to the foot of faces) several routes were put in good order. For this purpose (purchase of equipment and bolts) 6,466 PLN was spent.
"Memory of the Tatra Climbers". Realized for a couple of years programme enabling renovation of gravestones and funding epithaps in memory of people of merit to our community. In the future it will be realized under the name In memoriam.
Speleology. The programme consists in gathering financial resources for valuable speleological expeditions, which are at the Caving Commission of Polish Mountaineering Association’s disposal. In 2009 no financial resources were handed over for this purpose.
Publishing Fund. The aim of this programme is to donate publishing of valuable items concering the mountains. The financial resources are transferred by means of a competition. In 2009, the amount of 5,000 PLN supported publishing of the item in memory of Piotr Morawski (edition of his texts regarding the mountains and photos, accompanied by commentary – in the shape of an album) realized by his wife Olga. Due to the fact that the period of realizing publishing has been prolonged, the Foundation’s Board decided to postpone transfer of the financial resourse for this purpose for 2010. Also the item of Adam Mickiewicz Institute "Ice Warriors" was supported with 15,000 PLN.
Climbing of Children and Youths. New programme of the Foundation aiming at propagating climbing among children and youths. In 2009 5,000 PLN was subsidized to build a climbing wall of Amateur Sports Club in Strzegom, and organize Polish Junior Cup in this place, including the purchase of the necessary equipment (holds, ropes etc.) amounting to 2,931 PLN – in total 7,931 PLN.
Moreover: autumn expedition of Kinga Baranowska to Shisha Pangma was supported with 14,000 PLN, and 1,000 PLN was donated to D. Załuski Films Review organized by R. Gołędowski in Kinoteka in Warsaw.
The costs of running the Foundation’s office by Jerzy Natkański for remuneration amounting to 1,525 PLN gross monthly accounted through invoices amounted in 2009 to: 18,300 PLN, the costs of accounting performed by ADF Perfekta in 2009 amounted to: 14,640 PLN, i.e. 1,220 PLN gross monthly.
We are noting with satisfaction an increase in payments into Foundation’s account in connection with changes in tax regulations in tha last years. We believe that this tendency will remain in the future. A great social trust expressed through transfer of a considerable amount for dispensing by the Board enabled significant flexibility in making decisions, and broadening the list of programmes realized by the Foundation.
A new programme (an initial phase of realization already takes place) is Polskie Himalaje (Polish Himalayas). At the moment the programme encompases support of Kinga Baranowska in her project of first female conquest of the so-called "Crown of the Himalayas", i.e. all of the main peaks of 14 independent eight-thousand massifs. An equally significant purpose is to prepare team of Polish Himalayan Mountaineers able to accept a challenge of ascending to the peaks rising over 8,000m that have been unclimbed in winter, and summit other valuable mountains counting among the highest in the world in the near future (it requires financing expeditions to less ambitious mountains among others). The project is coordinated by A. Hajzer.
Within the framework of In memoriam programme we are going to finance renovation of the plaque in memory of the Foundation’s Patron in the cementary under Ostrva in Slovakia. In this case, correspondence with one of the clubs in Bielsko-Biała is kept up. For the time being, both the designer and the grantor of the destrayed epitaph are unknown. The Foundation’s Board postulates making a replica and is eager to finance this venture at any time.
According to Artur Paszczak’s opinion, the continuation of "Tatry Bez Młotka" (Tatra Mountaines Without a Hammer) campaign requires to employ temporary and for remuneration in the shape of the agreement for performance of a specific task equippers, the Foundation’s Board has agreed with his opinion. The ordering of anchors on Zamarła Turnia and on the west face of Kościelec will be continued. However, the basic works (e.g. transport of the equipment to the foot of the face) will be realized on the basis of voluntary work.
At present will do not plan to initialise any other new programmes (especially with immediate effect), but we want to focus on the continuation and better organization of the above-described purposes.
Initial steps were taken to organize the Archive of Polish Mountaineering Achievements, aiming at gathering film documents, photographs, manuscripts and published items (or their copies) concerning the history of Polish mountaineering in all the mountains in the world. There is no doubt that the Foundation will not be able to cope on its own with financing such a big investment. However, it is an urgent matter, because it is necessary to prevent the valuable archives from being destroyed or lost.
Edited by: Jacek Rządkowski and Jerzy Natkański.
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