KRS 0000084062

Report on operations in 2005


On March 28 the meeting of Council and Borad of the Jerzy Kukuczka Polish Mountaineering Support Foundation took place in Warsaw, in order to approve (in accordance with the effective provisions of law) the financial statement regarding the operations of the Board in 2005. The Board acquainted itself with the prepared documents, accepted them formally confirming the compliance of calculations with the decisions made – and handed over the documents to the Foundation Council. The Council accepted the Board’s report without reserves and confirmed that all the decision made were in accordance with the statutory purposes of the Foundation; it also approved and accepted the financial statement for the previous year. Copies of documents were sent to the National Court Register (KRS), appropriate ministres and other authorities. The documents are published in the appendices.

The special guest of the meeting was Anna Milewska-Zawada, who introduced the assumptions of A. Zawada Fund established by her after her husband’s death. Resources of this Fund were primarly deposited on the bank account of Polish Mountaineering Association. However, apart from two founding contributions made by Anna Milewska-Zawada, several modest sums paid into account by friends of Mrs. and Mr. Zawada and interest, there were no other payments, and the accumulated financial resources (approx. 22 000 PLN) were unused. Mrs. Zawada proposed that our thriving in the last years Foundation should be in charge of the Fund and help her in both accumualting further sums and distributing already amassed money. The idea of the Fund’s Founder is to use the accumulated sums for awarding young authors of outstanding accomplishments in the mountains grants and prizes for further climbing activities (organization of expeditions etc.). At the moment, Fund’s financial resources are quite scarce and we will be able to award individual distinguised mountaineers single grants; Mrs. Zawada does not exclude extemporaneous support of other purposes of the Foundation. The decision concerning awarding prizes will be made (in accordace with the Statues) by Foundation’s Board which is to consult the Founder of the Fund. The financial resources may be paid into the Foundation’s account with a note „FUNDUSZ ZAWADY” („ZAWADA FUND”)

Furthermore, the Foundation’s Board made the following decisions:

  1. From the financial resources accumulated on the Foundation’s account, 20 000 PLN was transferred to the Caving Commission for financing this form of mountaineering activity.
  2. The Board enabled paying into Foundation’s account money coming from sponsors for organizing expeditions into the high mountains. A resolution was passed that from these amounts (and similarly from other payments made into the Foundation’s account) 2% will remain on Foundation’s account with the purpose of financing accounting service and functioning of Foundation’s office.

In a couple of days, the President of the Foundation sets off for an expedition, which aims at conquering Makalu, the fifth summit of the world. We wish Jurek luck, to return from the Himalayas as a conqueror and in good health.



Attachement Size
Sprawozdanie z działań Fundacji w roku 2005 50.98 KB
Bilans na dzień 31 grudnia 2005 roku 358.64 KB
Rachunek wyników za 2005 rok 306.15 KB
Informacja dodatkowa za 2005 rok 407.48 KB
Salda kont na dzień 31 grudnia 2005 298 bajtów
Zeznanie o wysokości dochodu Fundacji – CIT-8 1.62 MB
Informacja o odliczeniach – CIT 8/O 1.1 MB
Bezpieczny Kazbek Fundacja Himalaizmu Polskiego im. Andrzeja Zawady
Polski Związek Alpinizmu Klub Wysokogórki Warszawa brytan